Hello All,
This is our web space to store the bits and pieces of the technical details we have come across. Most of them are related to programming.
Previously I used to document these kind of technical information and tips in several word and excel documents and store them in my computer. when my friends ask for some details, I used to copy them and send them through email.
Maintaining the articles in a computer in several documents became so difficult. Often I ended up searching the web for the same information I’ve already documented. So I have decided to maintain my bits and pieces of technical information in a single place which can be searched easily from any computer and any place. As these notes and details does not have any private information, we have decided to go for a public website, Thus born this website on May 16, 2012.
I am not sure on how much will be useful for anyone who are visiting this website. But, this will be definitely helpful for us and our friends. Nowadays when we need any information we have dealt before, we are just opening this website and search for what we need. When my friends are asking for technical information, I’m just sending them the url. This is very convenient.
If you are interested, please go through our articles and leave your comments and feedback.
Dahlia Sam & Beaulin Twinkle.