Converting seconds to days, hours, minutes and seconds in Python
Easiest way to convert seconds to days, hours, minutes and seconds in Python programming.
Easiest way to convert seconds to days, hours, minutes and seconds in Python programming.
Way to generate time from hours, minutes and seconds in Python programming language. Generating atime value from individual components of time.
Quick method to generate a date from day, month and year in Python language.
Here we have few methods for getting the current time alone in python programming.
Simple tips to get the current date alone from the system date and time in Python language.
Here is the way to get the current date and time in Python programming language.
Solution for Django unapplied migration(s) issue: You have 17 unapplied migration(s). Your project may not work properly until you apply the migrations for app(s): admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions.
Here is a simple tip to make Python program to sleep for milliseconds using the regular time.sleep() method.
A simple Python technique to find only the files in a directory. Here I have used pathlib and os.listdir to get the list of files.
Here is a simple Python technique to check if file exists before performing any operation on the file.
Here is a simple Python code to find the version it is running on. You can get the full version number or the various components like manor, minor,… versions separately.
Here are the simple steps for upgrading “Package installer for Python” abbreviated as PIP to it’s latest version compactable to Python 3.x.
In this article we will how to activate, install and use a popular linting tool PyLint on VS Code for linting python source code.
In this article we will see how to create a virtual environment and installing Python packages for Visual Studio Code on macOS.
Simple step by step illustration for setting up visual studio code for Python programming and debugging on macOS computer.
Here is the step by step instruction tp upgrade Python On maxOS to it’s latest version.
Follow the steps given here to check if Python is pre-installed on your macOS computer.
Here is a simple tip on how to drop a temporary or temp table if it exists using the DIY in 2016 or higher versions of SQL Server.
Here is a simple tip to reset identity seed of an auto incremented identity column after deleting records from the table in SQL Server.
Here is a simple tip to convert the datetime value to a specific formatted date like YYYY-MM-DD in SQL Server 2012 and higher.