“Hook cannot be created” error from .Net Applications on Vista

You may get the “Hook cannot be created” for an old application developed using .Net framework version 1.1 on a Vista workstation. This is a known defect in the .Net framework 1.1. This error will appear when you use the clause System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys in your application. Microsoft has provided a hot fix for this error. Below are the steps to apply the hotfix.

Hot fix installation and UAC activation steps:

  1. Download the .Net 1.1 hotfix exe from .
  2. Place the exe on the vista workstation.
  3. Login to the workstation with local administrator user.
  4. If you have .net framework versions 2.0 and higher on the workstation, then  uninstall the dot net frameworks from 2.0 and higher, apply the hot fix and then re-install the higher version of dot net. (You may need to remove the IIS)
  5. Run the hotfix exe to install it. ()
  6. It might display known IIS service compatibility issue. Ignore this message if you are not using IIS of that PC.
  7. Now activate UAC:
    1. To activate the uac go to start, type in “UAC” in the program search.
    2. launch the “User Account Control Settings”.
    3. Change the selection from to “Always Notify”.
  8. Restart the PC after completing the installation.
  9. Now test the application.

Error: hook cannot be created

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