A large volume of data requires management. In today’s digital world, all valuable information is organized and entered into databases managed by database management systems and the SQL language. A database (DB) is an organized structure that stores, changes, and processes interdependent information in large volumes. DB is used for dynamic sites with large volumes. Relational databases are logically structured tables with fields describing data, relationships, operations, and rules that guarantee their integrity. Why relational? They are based on relationships between data. Relational tables with information are more accessible to systematize and process than a network or hierarchical model.
This language works with data and creates queries in the relational database. In our time, any skills can be acquired easily and quickly. Anyone can become a specialist in the SQL field after completing the appropriate courses. But it is very often difficult for people to choose courses because there are many of them, and it is not always possible to understand which are worth taking and which are not. But a lot of sites make selections with the best courses. Anyone can find the best SQL courses on Udemy and choose the perfect course for themselves. But to start searching for courses, you should understand some things better. What is SQL, and why is SQL important? So let’s figure it out.
What is SQL?
Structured Query Language is a non-procedural structured query language that was created to define the type of data, provide access to it, and process it in a reasonably short time. It is the so-called “non-procedural” language. It can only describe any components or results that should be seen in the future on the site. Each new request in this language is like a brick. It is in the order in which queries are entered in the database that they will be executed.
SQL is like communication between the user and the database management system. It is the programming language we use to access our database. The term “non-procedural” means that the language can state what to do with the data but cannot instruct precisely how to do it. In other words, this language lacks algorithmic constructions, such as labels, loop operators, conditional transitions, etc. Unlike many programming languages, it is understandable even to beginners.
History of the creation of SQL
This language was created by the IBM research laboratory in 1970 and had a different name (SEQUEL), but later it was slightly shortened. SQL was designed to invent a language that would be so simple that even ordinary Internet users could learn it without much trouble. It is interesting that, at that time, it was not the only such language. Before 1980, several variations of SQL differed slightly from each other. In 1983, its standard version was created, which is still popular today.
How SQL works
Suppose any DBMS manages a database. A query formulated in the SQL language is used to extract data from it. DBMS processes this request, removes the requested data, and returns it. As we will see later, SQL allows not only to receive data but also to define the data structure, add and delete data, restrict or grant access to data, and maintain referential integrity. Note that SQL itself is neither a database nor a stand-alone product. It is a language used to interact with DBMS and is, in a certain sense, an integral part of it.
Each SQL statement begins with a verb, which is a keyword that defines what this statement does (SELECT, INSERT, DELETE …). The operator also contains propositions containing information about which data operations are performed. Each clause begins with a keyword such as FROM, WHERE, etc. We live in a time when the world is developing very rapidly. New technologies and opportunities appear every day. But something remains unchanged. To understand the importance of SQL, it is worth understanding the software. If you are unsure that you know software’s importance well, you could look here and decide how interesting and relevant it is to you. Knowledge in this area will always be relevant and essential.
SQL rules
SQL is used only to manage databases that support it. The syntax in SQL is relatively flexible, and however, as in any programming language, specific rules must be followed:
- Upper / lowercase letters;
- Spaces and indents;
- Keywords.
Actual SQL statements are not case-sensitive. However, once a direct reference to the database is made, the spelling must be followed precisely. The basis of an SQL expression is keywords and organized operators.
Why study this language?
First, it is studied to create a wide variety of applications for one of the most popular platforms today – WordPress. With SQL, you can create queries of any complexity, which only confirms this language’s simplicity. Of course, to get a job, knowledge of the programming language alone will not be enough. You also need to know how to format content properly in a resume. A person who knows the software well but incorrectly forms the list of publications in the resume does not inspire confidence among employers.
What can you do with SQL?
An SQL database allows you to create quite a lot of different queries. If you learn this programming language, you can:
- create various tables;
- receive, store and change received data;
- change table structures at your discretion;
- combine the received information into single blocks;
- calculate the received data;
- ensure complete protection of information;
SQL can solve the following tasks:
- Modification of a new or existing database structure;
- Changing system security parameters;
- Setting information management user rights;
- Obtaining information from the database;
- Updating the content of the database;
The main advantages of SQL
Due to this language’s extensive and frequent use, the system has constantly developed and adapted to users’ needs. This DBMS has the following advantages:
- It can be used on different platforms;
- Makes a quick assessment of requests;
- It can be used to work with large arrays;
- Has to support from a large user/developer community;
- Easy for beginners;
So, the importance of SQL is enormous in our time of rapid development of technologies. Even if you work in a completely different field unrelated to programming languages, that knowledge will not be excessive. After all, with the help of blah blah, you can understand how databases and technologies work in general. The main advantage is that getting basic knowledge is not tricky and exciting. Therefore, knowledge of SQL can give prospects in the profession and ensure the future.