ASCII Encoder (Text to ASCII Converter)



About ASCII Encoder Tool

ASCII Encoder and Decoder

The ASCII encoder tool is a free online utility that allows you to encode any text message into the ASCII decimal code. ASCII, which stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a widely-used character encoding system that represents text using a set of 128 characters, including letters, numbers, punctuation, and control codes.

With the ASCII encoder tool, you can enter any text message and the tool will convert it to ASCII code. The encoded message will be displayed in a box below the input field, with the decimal value for each character separated by space. By choosing the option ASCII HTML Codes, you can get get the encoded message in HTML numeric escape codes.

This tool can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as encoding text for use in email messages, online forums, or other applications that require ASCII text. Additionally, the tool can be helpful for users who are learning about ASCII encoding and want to experiment with encoding different messages.

Overall, the ASCII encoder tool is a simple and easy-to-use utility that provides a quick and convenient way to encode text using the ASCII character set.

Steps for using the ASCII encoder tool:

  1. First enter or paste your text message in the input text box.
  2. Then select the encoding type. Either ASCII Numbers or ASCII HTML Codes.
    • The option ASCII Numbers will encode your text message to decimal value for each character separated by space. For example, if your text message is then the result will be 119 119 119 46 109 121 116 101 99 98 105 116 115 46 99 111 109.
    • The option ASCII HTML Codes will encode your text message to HTML numeric escape code for each character. For example, if the text is then the result will be
  3. Finally press Convert to ASCII button.
  4. The text message will be encoded to ASCII format and appears in the second box below.


Page Last Modified On: Mar 26, 2023

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