This online binary decoder tool helps you to decode the binary data to text, decimal, hexadecimal and octal format. Binary to ascii text, binary to hexadecimal and binary to octal.
Select the data type of your encoded text. Then enter or paste your binary encoded text in the text area and click Decode button.
This tool converts binary code to ascii text, decimal, hexadecimal or octal value.
In binary to text conversion, binary string "00110000" is converted to "0."
For example, the binary format of "01110111 01110111 01110111 00101110 01101101 01111001 01110100 01100101 01100011 01100010 01101001 01110100 01110011 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101" will be converted to the corresponding text format as "".
In binary to decimal conversion, the binary code of "0000" is converted to te decimal value "0".
For example, the decimal format for "111010110111100110100010101" is "123456789".
In binary to hex or Hexadecimal conversion, the binary code of "1010" is converted to the hex form "0xA".
For example, the hex format for "111010110111100110100010101" is "75bcd15".
In binary to octal conversion, binary code of "111" is converted to the hex form "7".
For example, the hex format for "111010110111100110100010101" is "726746425".
Page Last Modified On: Jul 23, 2021
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