Foot (ft) to other unit conversion
Foot (ft) is one among the common unit of length and distance in British and USA customary unit system.
Significant Foot Conversions
- 1 Foot = 0.0000000000000003048 Petameters.
- 1 Foot = 0.0000000000003048 Terameters.
- 1 Foot = 0.0000000003048 Gigameters.
- 1 Foot = 0.0000003048 Megameters.
- 1 Foot = 0.0003048 Kilometres.
- 1 Foot = 0.003048 Hectometers.
- 1 Foot = 0.03048 Decameters.
- 1 Foot = 0.3048 Meters.
- 1 Foot = 3.048 Decimeters.
- 1 Foot = 30.48 Centimetres.
- 1 Foot = 304.8 Millimeteres.
- 1 Foot = 304800 Micrometres.
- 1 Foot = 304800000 Nanometres.
- 1 Foot = 304800000000 Picometres.
- 1 Foot = 304800000000000 Femtometres.
- 1 Foot = 12.00000000000000 US Customary Inches.
- 1 Foot = 0.33333333333333 US Customary Yard.
- 1 Foot = 0.00018939393939 US Customary Miles.
- 1 Foot = 1.51515151515152 US Survey Links.
- 1 Foot = 0.99999800000400 US Survey Feet.
- 1 Foot = 0.06060606060606 US Survey Rods.
- 1 Foot = 0.01515151515152 US Survey Chains.
- 1 Foot = 0.00151515151515 US Survey Furlongs.
- 1 Foot = 0.00018939393939 US Survey Miles.
- 1 Foot = 0.00006313131313 US Survey Leagues.
- 1 Foot = 0.16666666666667 US Nautical Fathoms.
- 1 Foot = 0.00138888888889 US Nautical Cables.
- 1 Foot = 0.00016457979487 US Nautical Miles.
Page Last Modified On: Jan 21, 2016
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