Pound (lb) to other weight and mass unit conversion
Pound (lb) is the base unit of weight and mass in USA customary and British unit system. In USA customary and British system Pound is abbreviated as lb. Another common abbreviation used for Pound are lbs, lbm and lbm. Pound is equal to 16 Ounce (oz).
Significant Pound Conversions
- 1 Pound = 0.000000453592 Metric Kilotonne.
- 1 Pound = 0.000453592 Metric Tonne.
- 1 Pound = 0.453592 Kilogram.
- 1 Pound = 453.59237 Gram.
- 1 Pound = 4535.924 Decigram.
- 1 Pound = 45359.237 Centigram.
- 1 Pound = 453592.37 Milligram.
- 1 Pound = 453592370 Microgram.
- 1 Pound = 453592370000 Nanogram.
- 1 Pound = 453592370000000 Picogram.
- 1 Pound = 2267.962 Carat.
- 1 Pound = 0.0004464285714285714285714286 Long Ton.
- 1 Pound = 0.0005 Short Ton.
- 1 Pound = 16 Ounce.
- 1 Pound = 256 Dram.
- 1 Pound = 7000 Grain.
- 1 Pound = 1.2152777777777790436921296296 Troy Pound.
- 1 Pound = 14.583333333333454861111111112 Troy Ounce.
- 1 Pound = 7000 Troy Grain.
Page Last Modified On: Mar 04, 2016
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