Cooking Measurement Conversion Chart


HTML Chart

All the commonly used food and kitchen measuring unit conversions have been compiled in a single infographics chart above. The same is given in html format below for your convenience. You can print this if needed. Go to the kitchen unit converter (button below), for more detailed cooking unit conversion calculator.

Millilitre = ml
Litre = l
Gallon = gal
Quart = qt
Pint = pt
Cup = cup
Fluid Ounce = fl oz
Tablespoon = tbsp
Dessertspoon = dstspn
Teaspoon = tsp
Kilogram = kg
Gram = g
Milligram = mg
Pound = lb
Ounce = oz
Inch = in
Centimeter = cm
Celsius = °C
Fahrenheit = °F

100 °C = 212 °F
110 °C = 230 °F
120 °C = 248 °F
130 °C = 266 °F
140 °C = 284 °F
150 °C = 302 °F
160 °C = 320 °F
170 °C = 338 °F
180 °C = 356 °F
190 °C = 374 °F
200 °C = 392 °F
210 °C = 410 °F
220 °C = 428 °F
230 °C = 446 °F
240 °C = 464 °F
250 °C = 482 °F
260 °C = 500 °F

Metric Units
1 cup = 250 ml
1 tbsp = 15 ml
1 dstspn = 10 ml
1 tsp = 5 ml
1 l = 1000 ml
1 tbsp = 1.5 dstspn = 3 tsp
1 kg = 1000 g
1 g = 1000 mg

UK Units
1 gal = 4.55 l
1 qt = 1.14 l
1 pt = 568.3 ml
1 cup = 284.1 ml
1 fl oz = 28.4 ml
1 tbsp = 15 ml
1 dstspn = 10 ml
1 tsp = 5 ml
1 tbsp = 1.5 dstspn = 3 tsp

Canada Units
1 gal = 4.55 l
1 qt = 1.14 l
1 pt = 568.3 ml
1 cup = 250 ml
1 fl oz = 28.4 ml
1 tbsp = 15 ml
1 dstspn = 10 ml
1 tsp = 5 ml
1 tbsp = 1.5 dstspn = 3 tsp

Japan Units
In Japan, the standard rice cup size of 180 ml is followed as sup size.
1 cup = 180 ml

USA Units
1 gal = 3.79 l
1 qt = 0.95 l
1 pt = 473.2 ml
1 cup = 236.6 ml
1 fl oz = 29.6 ml
1 tbsp = 14.8 ml
1 dstspn = 9.9 ml
1 tsp = 4.9 ml
1 tbsp = 1.5 dstspn = 3.0 tsp
1 lb = 453.6 g
1 kg = 2.2 lb
1 lb = 16 oz
1 oz = 28.3 g

Australia Units
1 gal = 4.55 l
1 qt = 1.14 l
1 pt = 570 ml
1 cup = 250 ml
1 fl oz = 28.4 ml
1 tbsp = 20 ml
1 dstspn = 10 ml
1 tsp = 5 ml
1 tbsp = 2 dstspn = 4 tsp

India Units
In India, people use metric units for kitchen measurement except the size of cup. For cup size, the standard tea cup size of 190 ml is followed.
1 cup = 190 ml

Length Units
1 in = 2.54 cm
½ in = 1.27 cm
¼ in = 0.63 cm
1 cm = 0.39 in

Page Last Modified On: Mar 23, 2016

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