Grams to Pounds & Ounces Unit Converter / G to Lb and Oz Calculator
, Ounce(oz)
& Pound(lb) Conversion Chart
Generating And Printing The Gram(g) & Pound(lb) Conversion Chart
- Select the Distance/Length conversion you want to perform from the drop down box Conversion Type. You can convert from Gram to Pound and vice versa.
- Select the decimal place rounding in the Rounding drop down. By default, this converter uses 3 decimal places.
- Enter the Starting Distance you desire to start the conversion chart.
- Enter the Interval between the distance. Example: -100, -10, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 10, 100, etc...
- Click the Generate Chart button to generate your desired chart.
See list of Gram conversion charts you can generate
- Click the Print button to print the chart you have generated. This printing option allows you to print only the chart portion.
Types Of Grams, Pounds & Ounces Conversion Charts
Below are the types of g, lb & oz conversion charts or tables you can generate. You can choose these charts by changing the options in Conversion Type drop down field above.
- Gram (g) to Pound (lb) & Ounce (oz) conversion chart.
- Gram (g) to Pound (lb) conversion chart.
- Gram (g) to Ounce (oz) conversion chart.
- Pound (lb) to Gram (g) conversion chart.
- Ounce (oz) to Gram (g) conversion chart.
(Generate Chart)
Formula For Converting Gram to Pound and Ounce and vice versa
Gram to Pound Conversion Formula
- 1 lb = 453.59237 g (Per the 1959 agreement between United Kingdom, U.S.A., and other countries)
- So, 1 g = 1 / 453.59237 lb = 0.002204622621848775807229738 lb
- 500 g = 500 x 0.002204622621848775807229738 lb = 1.1023113109243879036148690067 lb
Gram to Ounce Conversion Formula
- 1 lb = 453.59237 g (Per the 1959 agreement between United Kingdom, U.S.A., and other countries)
- 1 lb = 16 oz
- So, 1 g = 16 / 453.59237 oz = 0.0352739619495804129156758082 oz
- 500 g = 500 x 0.0352739619495804129156758082 oz = 17.636980974790206457837904108 oz
Gram to Pound and Ounce Conversion Formula
- 500 g = 500 x 0.0352739619495804129156758082 oz = 17.636980974790206457837904108 oz
- 1 lb = 16 oz
- 1 oz = 1 / 16 lb = 0.0625 lb
- So, 500 g = 1 lb + 1.636980974790206457837904108 oz
Pound to Gram Conversion Formula
- 1 lb = 453.59237 g
- So, 50 lb = 50 x 453.59237 g = 22679.61850 lb
Ounce to Gram Conversion Formula
- 1 oz = 1 / 16 lb = 0.0625 lb
- 1 lb = 453.59237 g
- So, 1 oz = 0.0625 x 453.59237 g = 28.349523125 g
- 50 oz = 50 x 28.349523125 g = 1417.476156250 g
Page Last Modified On: Feb 25, 2016
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