US Cup to Ml - Milliliters to US Cups Converter


Usage: (1) Enter the measurement value and tab out or click Convert. (In Detail)

Digit Separation
Round To*
US Gallon


* Rounding may affect the result of very small decimal values. If you are expecting small decimal value, then please select 8 Decimals or higher option in the Round To field.

Using The Millilitre to US Cup Unit Converter

  1. Enter the from unit value, either Millilitre or US Cup.
  2. Either tab out or press Convert button.
  3. The result will be shown in the result section.
  4. By default, the decimal rounding option is set to Do Not Round. If you want the decimals of the result values to be rounded? Then, select the decimal numbers to be rounded from the Round To drop down list.
  5. You can swap the Millilitre (ml) and US Cup (cup) units by pressing the the Swap Units button.

Millilitre(ml) & US Cup(cup) Conversion Chart

Generating And Printing The Millilitre(ml) & US Cup(cup) Conversion Chart

  1. Select the Volume conversion you want to perform from the drop-down box Conversion Type. You can convert from Millilitre to US Cup and vice versa.
  2. Select the decimal place rounding in the Rounding drop down. By default, this converter uses 6 decimal places.
  3. Enter the Starting Volume you desire to start the conversion chart.
  4. Enter the Interval between volumes. Example: -100, -10, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 10, 100, etc...
  5. Click the Generate Chart button to generate your desired chart.
  6. Click the Print button to print the chart you have generated. This printing option allows you to print only the chart portion.

Conversion Type
Round To
Digit Separation
Start. Value
Millilitre US Cup
1ml 0.004227cup
2ml 0.008454cup
3ml 0.01268cup
4ml 0.016907cup
5ml 0.021134cup
6ml 0.025361cup
7ml 0.029587cup
8ml 0.033814cup
9ml 0.038041cup
10ml 0.042268cup
11ml 0.046494cup
12ml 0.050721cup
13ml 0.054948cup
14ml 0.059175cup
15ml 0.063401cup
16ml 0.067628cup
17ml 0.071855cup
18ml 0.076082cup
19ml 0.080308cup
20ml 0.084535cup
21ml 0.088762cup
22ml 0.092989cup
23ml 0.097215cup
24ml 0.101442cup
25ml 0.105669cup
Millilitre US Cup
26ml 0.109896cup
27ml 0.114122cup
28ml 0.118349cup
29ml 0.122576cup
30ml 0.126803cup
31ml 0.131029cup
32ml 0.135256cup
33ml 0.139483cup
34ml 0.14371cup
35ml 0.147936cup
36ml 0.152163cup
37ml 0.15639cup
38ml 0.160617cup
39ml 0.164843cup
40ml 0.16907cup
41ml 0.173297cup
42ml 0.177524cup
43ml 0.18175cup
44ml 0.185977cup
45ml 0.190204cup
46ml 0.194431cup
47ml 0.198657cup
48ml 0.202884cup
49ml 0.207111cup
50ml 0.211338cup
Millilitre US Cup
51ml 0.215564cup
52ml 0.219791cup
53ml 0.224018cup
54ml 0.228245cup
55ml 0.232471cup
56ml 0.236698cup
57ml 0.240925cup
58ml 0.245152cup
59ml 0.249378cup
60ml 0.253605cup
61ml 0.257832cup
62ml 0.262059cup
63ml 0.266285cup
64ml 0.270512cup
65ml 0.274739cup
66ml 0.278966cup
67ml 0.283192cup
68ml 0.287419cup
69ml 0.291646cup
70ml 0.295873cup
71ml 0.300099cup
72ml 0.304326cup
73ml 0.308553cup
74ml 0.31278cup
75ml 0.317006cup
Millilitre US Cup
76ml 0.321233cup
77ml 0.32546cup
78ml 0.329687cup
79ml 0.333913cup
80ml 0.33814cup
81ml 0.342367cup
82ml 0.346594cup
83ml 0.35082cup
84ml 0.355047cup
85ml 0.359274cup
86ml 0.363501cup
87ml 0.367727cup
88ml 0.371954cup
89ml 0.376181cup
90ml 0.380408cup
91ml 0.384635cup
92ml 0.388861cup
93ml 0.393088cup
94ml 0.397315cup
95ml 0.401542cup
96ml 0.405768cup
97ml 0.409995cup
98ml 0.414222cup
99ml 0.418449cup
100ml 0.422675cup

US Cup (cup)

US Cup otherwise called as US Customary Cup is one among the common unit of measuring liquids in USA. One US Cup is exactly equals to 236.5882365 Milliliters(ml). Cup is usually represented in short form as ‘cup’. Below is the relationship between US Cup and other fluid unit of measurements.

  • 1 US Cup = 0.2365882365 Litre.
  • 1 US Cup = 236.5882365 Millilitre.
  • 1 US Cup = 0.0625 US Gallon.
  • 1 US Cup = 0.052042136539 UK Gallon.
  • 1 US Cup = 0.832673085654 UK Cup.

Millilitre (ml)

Milliliter (American Spelling) is also spelled as Millilitre in British English. Milliliter is represented in short form as “ML” or “ml”. Below is the relationship between Milliliter and other important fluid unit of measurements.

  • 1 Millilitre = 0.000264172052 US Gallon.
  • 1 Millilitre = 0.004226752838 US Cup.
  • 1 Millilitre = 0.001 Litre.
  • 1 Millilitre = 0.000219969248 UK Gallon.
  • 1 Millilitre = 0.003519503328 UK Cup.

US Cups To ML conversion

Volume Conversion - US Cup to Ml

Cup to ml is one among the frequently used unit conversion. One US Cup is exactly equals to 236.5882365 Milliliters(ml). Some common US Cup to ML conversion questions are:

Milliliters in US Cup Fractions

  • 1 US Cup (one US Cup) = 236.588 ml.
  • ¾ US Cup (three quarters of a US Cup) = 177.441 ml.
  • ½ US Cup (half of a US Cup) = 118.294 ml.
  • ¼ US Cup (quarters of a US Cup) = 59.147 ml.


Page Last Modified On: Sep 19, 2017

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